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Hospital Malpractice Lawyer

Our No Risk Pledge

You Pay Us Nothing Unless We Win Your Case

Larmoyeux & Bone has been successfully recovering compensation and protecting the financial future of hospital  malpractice victims in West Palm Beach for decades.


Our trial lawyers have over 70 years of combined experience winning millions of dollars for victims of medical malpractice  just like you. 

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Why Do Hospital Malpractice Accident Victims Choose Us?

We get results.​

you are not alone

We Win Hospital Malpractice Cases

We devote 100% of our practice to helping victims injured due to the negligent, reckless, and intentional actions of others.  Here’s a sample of the most common types of hospital malpractice claims that we routinely handle:

Types of Hospital Malpractice Claims

plan of action

know your rights & act

If you or a loved one has been injured by a medical professional, you need an experienced hospital malpractice attorney fighting for you.


Being the victim of hospital malpractice is devastating.  Victims often sustain agonizing, potentially life-threatening, and life-altering physical and emotional injuries, face the prospect of financial ruin, and experience a catastrophic disruption to their entire way of life.

Chris Larmoyeux and his hospital malpractice legal professionals understand your situation.  You have questions about your rights, how much your claim may be worth, and how long it’ll take to get a fair recovery. Let’s get started.


Chris will give you straight, simple answers to all your questions. Start a live chat or contact us right now!


determine if you have a case

When you call our accident investigators will help determine if you have a case. 


Begin the legal process for recovery

We will begin the investigation, negotiation, mediation, or lawsuit. 


Fight For Your Rights

Most cases are settled before going to trial. If yours isn’t, we will fight your case in court. 

Contact Us Today For Your Free Case Evaluation

Not Sure If You Have A Claim? If In Doubt, Contact Us

Hospital Malpractice

Hospitals are intended to be places of healing, where patients go to receive the medical treatment they need to recover from illness or injury. Unfortunately, sometimes, medical professionals fall short of the expected standard of care, resulting in serious harm to patients. This is known as hospital malpractice, and it can have a devastating effect on your life.


Hospital malpractice can have a devastating ripple effect that disrupts your entire life. Medically, it can lead to prolonged recovery times, additional surgeries or treatments, and permanent disabilities. Financially, the burden of mounting medical bills, lost wages due to missed work, and ongoing care needs can be overwhelming.


Emotionally, you may experience anxiety, depression, and a loss of trust in the medical system. Relationships with loved ones can be strained by the physical and emotional toll. Overall, hospital negligence can force a complete re-evaluation of life goals, careers, and even basic daily activities.

You Have Questions. We Have Answers.

We understand that you may have many questions about pursuing a hospital malpractice claim. Our hospital malpractice lawyers are ready to answer all of your questions. Here are some of the most common ones asked by victims of hospital malpractice:


  • How to Sue a Hospital: We will guide you through the legal process.


  • What Are the Chances of Winning a Lawsuit Against a Hospital: The success of each case depends on the specific facts. Our hospital negligence lawyers will assess your case and advise you of its potential merits.


  • How Long Do You Have to Sue a Hospital for Malpractice (Negligence): There are strict filing deadlines for hospital negligence claims. Florida has a complex statute of limitations governing medical malpractice claims. Under Florida Statutes 95.11(4)(c), the standard rule is that you have two years from the date of the injury or the date you discovered the injury (whichever is later) to file a lawsuit. However, there are important limitations and exceptions to the standard rule that an experienced hospital malpractice attorney can explain to you. The filing deadline for a particular case may not be clear-cut, so a hospital malpractice lawyer will have to analyze the facts and calculate the deadline for filing.  


If you’ve been injured due to a hospital mistake, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. 


Our experienced hospital malpractice lawyers are dedicated to helping patients hold negligent hospitals accountable and recover the compensation they deserve. Our dedicated hospital malpractice lawyers know how to successfully sue hospitals.


Contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Don’t delay  time is NOT on your side!

What Is Hospital Malpractice?

Hospital malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider or facility fails to provide the required standard of care.

The prevailing professional standard of care for a given health care provider shall be that level of care, skill, and treatment which, in light of all relevant surrounding circumstances, is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent similar health care providers.
Florida Statutes § 766.102(1)

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

While each personal injury case is unique, most cases typically involve the following basic steps.

Step 1: Determine if there’s a viable claim—after accepting the case, the personal injury lawyer will perform an initial investigation into the plaintiff’s injury to determine whether the facts and circumstances genuinely support a claim for damages.

Step 2: Demand letter—once a good-faith basis for a personal injury claim has been established, plaintiff’s lawyer sends a demand letter notifying the defendant’s insurance company of the claim, including a demand for a specified dollar amount to resolve the matter.

Step 3: Response and negotiation—upon receiving the demand letter, the insurance company will respond in one of three ways: (1) agree with the demand letter and promptly settle, (2) make a counteroffer and negotiate for an amount less than specified in the demand letter, or (3) deny the claim outright and refuse to pay any amount. Negotiating a settlement is the most common response, and most cases are resolved this way.


Step 4: Filing a lawsuit—if the parties can’t reach a settlement, the plaintiff’s lawyer files a lawsuit. During the pre-trial phase, the parties obtain evidence from each other, witnesses, and third parties in a process called “discovery.” The pre-trial phase can take several months or even years.


Step 5: Mediation—nearly all personal injury cases in Florida will be ordered to mediation by the court. Mediation is the process in which a neutral mediator facilitates discussion between the parties in an effort to resolve the case before going to trial. The parties can settle the case at any time, even after a lawsuit has been filed.


Step 6: Trial—if the parties can’t reach a settlement during mediation, the case goes to trial where a jury will generally determine liability and damage awards, if any.

Step 7: Appeal—a party who is unhappy with the final verdict can appeal, but there must be a legal basis for doing so, i.e., some material error that prevented a fair trial. Simply being unhappy with the outcome isn’t sufficient for an appeal.

The laws governing personal injury cases in Florida are extremely complex and highly specialized.  To ensure that your legal rights to full and fair compensation are adequately protected, you must have the assistance of an experienced local personal injury lawyer, especially for cases involving particularly complex legal issues such as wrongful death, medical malpractice, and catastrophic injuries. 


There are very strict and complicated filing deadlines that must be followed, or your case will not even be allowed to proceed, regardless of the actual merits of your case.  Similarly, for many types of personal injury claims, there are numerous legal technicalities and complexities in place that make successfully prosecuting a personal injury claim virtually impossible for anyone other than a highly experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. 


Various business and insurance interests have lobbied lawmakers aggressively over the years to get legislation enacted that often makes it difficult to hold the responsible parties and their insurance companies accountable for victims’ injuries and property damage they cause.  This is especially true when victims attempt to take on the at-fault parties and their insurance companies by themselves. 


Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers have the experience, knowledge, and resources to successfully navigate the complexities of Florida’s personal injury laws as well as the insurance claims process in order to obtain full and fair compensation for our clients.

We’ll provide an objective knowledge-driven, experience-based professional assessment of the viability of your personal injury claim at no cost to you.  You have absolutely nothing to lose and potentially an awful lot to gain by calling us today.


We’ll give you straight, simple answers to all your questions, including medical payment coverage, personal injuries, property damage, and lost income, as well as assist you with completing necessary paperwork and guide you every step of the way through the legal and insurance claims processes. 


And we do so with integrity, compassion, and understanding.

Florida Personal Injury Law Is Complex

The laws governing personal injury cases in Florida are extremely complex and highly specialized.  To ensure that your legal rights to full and fair compensation are adequately protected, you must have the assistance of an experienced local personal injury lawyer, especially for cases involving particularly complex legal issues such as wrongful death, medical malpractice, and catastrophic injuries. 


There are very strict and complicated filing deadlines that must be followed, or your case will not even be allowed to proceed, regardless of the actual merits of your case.  Similarly, for many types of personal injury claims, there are numerous legal technicalities and complexities in place that make successfully prosecuting a personal injury claim virtually impossible for anyone other than a highly experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. 


Various business and insurance interests have lobbied lawmakers aggressively over the years to get legislation enacted that often makes it difficult to hold the responsible parties and their insurance companies accountable for victims’ injuries and property damage they cause.  This is especially true when victims attempt to take on the at-fault parties and their insurance companies by themselves. 


Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers have the experience, knowledge, and resources to successfully navigate the complexities of Florida’s personal injury laws as well as the insurance claims process in order to obtain full and fair compensation for our clients.


Contact us today for a no-cost initial consultation and preliminary case review.  Remember, time is not on your side.  Each day you delay in seeking legal help is one day closer to you being time barred from ever bringing a case for your injuries.

The short answer is Yes. The laws governing medical malpractice cases in Florida are so complex and specialized that victims simply must have the assistance of an experienced medical malpractice lawyer in order to obtain full and fair compensation.


There are very strict and complicated filing deadlines and requirements that must be followed, or your case will not even be allowed to proceed, regardless of the actual merits of your claim. 


Similarly, there are numerous other legal technicalities and complexities in place that make successfully prosecuting a medical malpractice claim virtually impossible for anyone other than a dedicated medical malpractice lawyer.  Medical and insurance interests have successfully lobbied state lawmakers aggressively over the years to get legislation enacted that makes it difficult to hold healthcare providers accountable for their errors.  The system really is tilted heavily in favor of the healthcare industry to the detriment of victims and their families.


Fortunately, Chris has the experience and knowledge to successfully navigate the complexities of Florida’s medical malpractice laws in order to obtain full and fair compensation for you and your family.


Would you go to your primary care doctor for heart surgery?  Of course not because you’d want a doctor who devotes his or her practice to performing heart surgery.  The experience and knowledge acquired over many years of focusing on heart surgery are absolutely essential for increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.  That’s common sense.


The same holds true when you’ve been the victim of medical malpractice.  For your best chance at a positive outcome to your case, you need a dedicated medical malpractice lawyer, not someone who handles the occasional medical malpractice case.


The laws and procedures governing medical malpractice claims in Florida are undoubtedly among the most complex of any type of law.  In fact, even knowledge and experience with general personal injury law simply aren’t enough to win a recovery in a medical malpractice case.  There are important laws, rules, and procedures specific to only medical malpractice claims.


Chris has been dedicating his legal practice to Florida medical malpractice cases for nearly 40 years.  Contact him today, and he’ll put his decades of experience and knowledge to work for you and your family.

Chris Larmoyeux and Bill Bone have devoted their over 70 years of combined legal experience to helping personal injury accident victims like you.

They are among the 1% of all lawyers who are Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by The Florida Bar, have been awarded the highest possible rating for Legal Ability and General Ethical Standards by Martindale-Hubbell—the preeminent independent lawyer rating service, and consistently earn annual inclusion in the entirely peer-review lawyer rating service Best Lawyers.  And, yes, they’ve won numerous $1 million+ recoveries for victims and their families. 

Chris Larmoyeux and Bill Bone are trial lawyers.


Not all personal injury lawyers are trial lawyers. Many personal injury lawyers have never taken a case to trial. There’s an extremely important distinction between lawyers who are ready, willing, and able to go to trial and those who won’t and settle 100% of their cases.

The ability and willingness to take on insurance companies at trial is a critical consideration when choosing a top personal injury lawyer, especially when very serious or catastrophic injuries are involved. When facing a lawyer who will actually litigate the case in court if necessary, insurance companies know that if their pretrial settlement offer is unreasonably low they risk having a jury award a much higher amount at trial. This helps keep settlement offers, for the most part, fair and reasonable.


In contrast, insurance companies are more willing to extend lowball settlement offers to those lawyers who will never go to trial (and there are many of them), and insurance companies know exactly who they are. Trials are expensive, time-consuming, and require high-caliber litigation skills for victory. Many lawyers lack the financial resources, patience, and/or legal ability to take insurance companies to court and win, so they make a career out of settling every single one of their cases.


But is this the type of personal injury lawyer you want and need representing you? Think about it—even if the final settlement offer is objectively and insultingly low, what’s the lawyer going to do? He or she may negotiate a slight increase but still way below full and fair value. Without the legitimate threat of going to trial, the insurance company knows that eventually the offer will be accepted.


This makes the insurance company happy because it saves money, and it makes the lawyer happy because he or she gets a portion of the settlement. It’ll likely even make the injured client happy because a settlement amount is received, but unbeknownst to the client, it’s likely a lot less than if he or she had a personal injury lawyer ready, willing, and able to go to trial.


Chris Larmoyeux and Bill Bone are trial lawyers. They are both experienced litigators who are ready, willing, and able to go to trial to fight for full and fair compensation for their clients.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, a sharp increase has occurred in the number of filled emergency room beds throughout the United States. Sadly, as this number continues to rise, the number of emergency departments has fallen. The combination of these two changes has led to emergency room crowding and thus a vast increase in emergency room errors.


While emergency rooms are typically chaotic in any case, a lack of resources places all patients in a compromising situation.


When a high-pressure environment is combined with an abundance of patients, the likelihood of emergency room errors grows. As medical professionals rush around in an attempt to treat as many patients as quickly as possible, cutting corners often leads to patients paying a price. Regardless of these factors, the staff members of the emergency room have a duty to offer the best care, accurate diagnosis, and proper treatment for each and every patient. When an emergency room error occurs, the results can be life-threatening.


West Palm Beach hospitals, much like the rest of the United States, are experiencing rises in emergency room patients. If you or a loved one has suffered due to an emergency room error, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses.

For fast help and free case evaluation, contact our West Palm Beach medical malpractice law firm today.

Medication errors can come in a variety of forms. While physicians and hospital personnel have your best interest in mind, adverse reactions to medication, unexpected reactions to medication, pharmaceutical issues, medical device failure, and overdose do occur.  Medication errors comprise a wide breadth of complications.


Chris accepts and has experience handling all types of medical malpractice cases.  During his nearly 40 years in practice, he’s helped victims and their families with just about every kind of medical malpractice claim, including, but not limited to, those involving doctors, nurses, medical staff, and pharmacists as well as doctor offices, healthcare clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and pharmacies.


If you’ve suffered a medical-related injury at the hands of anyone associated with the healthcare system, contact Chris today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.  Don’t delay.  Time is not on your side.  There is a narrow timeframe in which you must file a claim or lose your right to do so forever. 

Yes! We’re here for you 24/7.

Our lawyers personally handle every case they agree to take and treat every client with compassion and understanding.  We don’t hand victims off to junior associates or recent law school grads once victims have entrusted their claim and hopes for the future to them. 

We understand the enormous trust clients place in them and would never do anything to violate the sanctity of that trust. 

We know that the aftermath of a personal injury accident is an incredibly traumatic and stressful time for you.  You may be suffering from agonizing, potentially life-threatening and life-altering physical, mental, and emotional injuries; facing the prospect of financial ruin; and experiencing a catastrophic disruption to your way of life. 


Your focus should be on your physical, mental, and emotional recovery, not dealing with medical bills and trying to navigate the complex maze of the insurance claims process and fighting for compensation from the at-fault party.


Thankfully, you don’t have to.  You focus on healing.  We’ll do all the work.  We handle the coordination of your medical bills, navigate the insurance claims process, and fight for the compensation you deserve.  We keep you updated and informed through the entire process, ensure you have all the information you need to make the necessary decisions, and advise you of any changes or new developments in your case. 


We firmly believe that consistent and timely communication with you is an essential part of our representation and critical for your peace of mind.     

Integrity, Compassion, & Understanding

If You Don’t Need a Lawyer, We’ll Tell You.  if We Can Help, We’ll Get Started on Your Claim Immediately.

"Board certified lawyers are Evaluated for Professionalism, Tested for Expertise.”

Common Types of Hospital Malpractice

Hospital malpractice can include a wide range of errors such as:


  • Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis: Failure to correctly identify a medical condition can lead to a worsening of the illness or improper treatment.


  • Surgical Errors: Operating on the wrong body part, using the wrong instrument, or leaving surgical tools inside a patient are all examples of surgical mistakes that can cause serious complications.


  • Medication Errors: Prescribing the wrong medication, administering an incorrect dosage, or failing to consider a patient’s allergies are all medication errors that can have life-threatening consequences.


  • Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs): Infections like MRSA or pneumonia contracted during a hospital stay due to improper sanitation or failure to follow infection control protocols.


  • Emergency Room Errors: This occurs when a patient’s condition is mishandled in the ER, such as failing to perform a necessary test, misinterpreting symptoms, or causing delays in treatment.


  • Negligence in Administering Anesthesia: Errors can occur during anesthesia administration, such as using the wrong dosage, failing to monitor the patient properly, or causing complications during intubation (inserting a breathing tube).


  • Nursing Errors: Nurses play a vital role in patient care. Negligence can involve failing to follow doctor’s orders, improper monitoring of vital signs, medication errors, or inadequate patient hygiene care.


  • Negligence Associated With Pregnancy or Childbirth: Examples include failure to monitor a high-risk pregnancy, improper use of forceps during delivery, delayed C-section leading to birth injuries, or errors in administering medication during labor.


  • Neglect: Failing to provide a patient with the basic care they need, such as leaving them unattended or allowing them to develop bed sores.

Steps to Take If You Suspect Hospital Malpractice

Being injured during a hospital stay can be a confusing and frightening experience. If you suspect you may have been harmed due to hospital negligence, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the situation and pursue full and fair compensation:


  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention:

Your top priority should always be your health. If you experience any new or worsening symptoms after a hospital procedure or stay, don’t hesitate to seek immediate medical attention from a qualified healthcare provider who is unrelated to the original hospital. Document any new diagnoses and treatment recommendations you receive.


  1. Gather Your Medical Records:

Request copies of all your medical records related to the hospitalization where you suspect negligence occurred. This includes doctor’s notes, test results, discharge summaries, and billing statements. These records will be crucial evidence in building your case.


  1. Understand the Timeline: Florida’s Statute of Limitations:

Florida has strict deadlines for filing hospital negligence claims referred to as the statute of limitations. This means you have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit or be forever barred from bringing a lawsuit for your injuries. It’s important to act quickly to preserve your legal rights. An experienced hospital negligence attorney can advise you on the specific timeframe applicable to your situation.


  1. Consult With a Hospital Malpractice Attorney:

This is a crucial step. Hospital malpractice cases are extremely complex and require specialized legal and medical knowledge that is well beyond even standard personal injury attorneys. An experienced hospital malpractice attorney can:


  • Review Your Case: Your attorney will analyze your medical records and circumstances to determine if you have a viable hospital malpractice claim.


  • Investigate the Malpractice: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence of the hospital’s malpractice and the effect on your health. This may involve obtaining expert medical opinions.


  • Explain Your Legal Options: Your attorney will explain your legal rights and the potential legal avenues for pursuing compensation.


  • Handle Communication With the Hospital and Its Insurance Company: Your attorney will handle all legal communication and negotiations, protecting your interests throughout the process.


  • Fight for Maximum Compensation: Whether through negotiation or litigation, your hospital negligence attorney will work to secure a settlement that reflects the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and long-term care needs.

Why Hire a Dedicated Hospital Malpractice Lawyer?

Dedicated hospital malpractice lawyers understand the physical, emotional, and financial impact of medical errors. We offer a comprehensive range of specialized legal services to assist you:


  • Free Case Evaluation: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation with an experienced attorney. We’ll assess the potential merits of your claim and explain your legal options.


  • Thorough Investigation: We’ll work tirelessly to gather evidence, obtain medical records, and consult with medical experts to build a strong case on your behalf.


  • Expert Negotiation: Our lawyers will aggressively negotiate with the hospital and their insurance company to secure a fair settlement that reflects the full extent of your damages.


  • Trial-Ready Representation: If a settlement cannot be reached, we are fully prepared to take your case to court and fight for the compensation you deserve.


The Benefits of Hiring a Hospital Malpractice Lawyer


While you may consider pursuing a hospital malpractice claim on your own, the legal process is extraordinarily complex and requires specialized legal and medical knowledge. Here’s why having an experienced hospital malpractice lawyer on your side is critical for obtaining full and fair compensation:


  • Understanding Medical Malpractice Laws: Florida has specific laws governing hospital malpractice claims. Our lawyers stay current on legal developments and ensure your case adheres to all relevant laws, procedures, and regulations.


  • Leveling the Playing Field: Hospitals and their insurance companies have vast resources and experienced legal teams. A skilled hospital negligence attorney protects your interests and ensures you have an experienced and knowledgeable advocate throughout the process.


  • Maximizing Your Compensation: Hospital malpractice cases involve complex issues of liability and calculations of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and long-term care needs. Our lawyers will meticulously document your losses and fight for maximum compensation.


  • Reduced Stress and Burden: Legal proceedings can be stressful and time-consuming. Your hospital negligence attorney will handle all legal communication and paperwork, allowing you to focus on healing and recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Florida Hospital Malpractice What Is Hospital Malpractice?

Hospital malpractice occurs when a hospital fails to provide the required standard of care.


In Florida, the standard is defined in Florida Statutes § 766.102(1) as: “The prevailing professional standard of care for a given health care provider shall be that level of care, skill, and treatment which, in light of all relevant surrounding circumstances, is recognized as acceptable and appropriate by reasonably prudent similar health care providers.”


Hospital malpractice can include a wide range of errors, such as misdiagnosis, surgical mistakes, medication errors, birth injuries, and hospital-acquired infections.


Do I Have a Case?

If you were injured due to a medical error in a hospital setting, you may have a valid hospital malpractice claim. However, every case is unique. To assess your situation, we recommend scheduling a free consultation with an experienced hospital malpractice lawyer. They can review the specifics of your case and determine if you have grounds for legal action.


What Factors Can Affect My Case?


  Severity of the Injury: The extent of your injuries and the resulting damages will play a significant role in the potential value of your case.

  Strength of the Evidence: The quality and strength of evidence available to support your claim of hospital malpractice will significantly affect the outcome.

  Willingness of the Defendant to Settle: Hospitals and their insurance companies may choose to settle or fight the case in court. This decision can significantly affect the timeframe and outcome of your legal case.

  Jury Decisions: If your case goes to trial, the jury’s verdict will ultimately determine the amount of compensation awarded. 


How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?

Florida has a strict and complex statute of limitations governing medical malpractice claims. Under Florida Statutes 95.11(4)(c), the standard rule is that you have two years from the date of the injury or the date you discovered the injury (whichever is later) to file a lawsuit.


However, there are important limitations and exceptions to the standard rule that an experienced hospital malpractice attorney can explain to you. The filing deadline for a particular case may not be clear-cut, so a hospital malpractice lawyer will have to analyze the facts and calculate the deadline for filing.


It’s important to act quickly to preserve your legal rights. An experience hospital negligence attorney can advise you on the specific filing deadline applicable to your situation.


What Damages Can I Recover in a Hospital Malpractice Lawsuit?


If you prevail in your hospital malpractice claim, you may be entitled to compensation for various damages, including:


  • Medical Expenses: Past, present, and future medical costs associated with your injury.


  • Lost Wages: Income lost due to your inability to work as a result of the injury.


  • Pain and Suffering: Physical and emotional distress caused by the injury.


  • Loss of Earning Capacity: If your injury limits your ability to earn a living in the future.


  • Disability: Compensation for any permanent limitations caused by the injury.


  • Wrongful Death: In the case of a fatal medical error, surviving family members may be entitled to compensation for the loss of their loved one.


How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Hospital Malpractice Lawyer?


Typically, hospital malpractice lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means you won’t pay any legal fees upfront unless your case is successful. The attorney’s fee will generally be a percentage of the settlement or verdict you receive.


What Should I Do If I Think I Have Been a Victim of Hospital Malpractice?


Here are some initial steps you can take:


  • Seek Immediate Medical Attention: If you experience any new or worsening symptoms after a hospital stay, see a doctor right away.


  • Gather Your Medical Records: Request copies of all your medical records related to the hospitalization where you suspect negligence occurred.


  • Contact a Hospital Malpractice Lawyer: Schedule a consultation to discuss your situation and understand your legal options.


Can I Contact You at Any Time?


Yes! We’re here for you 24/7.

Our lawyers personally handle every case they agree to take and treat every client with compassion and understanding.  We don’t hand victims off to junior associates or recent law school grads once victims have entrusted their claim and hopes for the future to them. 

We understand the enormous trust clients place in them and would never do anything to violate the sanctity of that trust.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation

Hospital negligence cases can be emotionally and financially draining. Working with a trusted hospital malpractice attorney can ease the burden and ensure your rights are protected. We will advocate for you every step of the way, allowing you to focus on your recovery.


If you believe you’ve been a victim of hospital malpractice, schedule a free consultation with our experienced hospital malpractice legal team. We are committed to holding negligent hospitals accountable and helping our clients recover the compensation they deserve.


Let us answer your questions. We will provide you with a realistic assessment of your case and potential legal options.

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