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Pedestrian Injury Lawyer

Our No Risk Pledge

You Pay Us Nothing Unless We Win Your Case

Larmoyeux & Bone has been successfully recovering compensation and protecting the financial future of pedestrian injury accident victims in West Palm Beach for decades.


Our trial lawyers have over 70 years of combined experience winning millions of dollars for victims of personal injury accidents, just like you. 

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Why Do Pedestrian Injury Accident Victims Choose Us?

We get results.​

you are not alone

We Win Pedestrian Injury Cases

We devote 100% of our practice to helping victims injured due to the negligent, reckless, and intentional actions of others.  Here’s a sample of the most common types of personal injury accident claims that we routinely handle:

Types of Personal Injury Claims

plan of action

know your rights & act

If you or a loved one has been injured while walking or jogging by the careless, reckless, or intentional actions of others, you need a board certified trial lawyer who handles pedestrian accident cases. Our firm has been helping victims like you for over 20 years.


Pedestrian-involved traffic accidents can be devastating.  Victims often sustain agonizing, potentially life-threatening and life-altering physical and emotional injuries; face the prospect of financial ruin; and experience a catastrophic disruption to their entire way of life.


The team of pedestrian injury legal professionals at our West Palm Beach law firm understands what you’re going through. 


You have questions about how much your claim is worth and how long it’ll take to get a fair settlement.  Our experienced lawyers will give you straight, simple answers to all your questions.


determine if you have a case

When you call our accident investigators will help determine if you have a case. 


Begin the legal process for recovery

We will begin the investigation, negotiation, mediation, or lawsuit. 


Fight For Your Rights

Most cases are settled before going to trial. If yours isn’t, we will fight your case in court. 

Contact Us Today For Your Free Case Evaluation

Not Sure If You Have A Claim? If In Doubt, Contact Us

Pedestrian Injury

According to crash data, Florida is the most dangerous state 

in the entire nation for pedestrians.

Not Sure If You Have A Pedestrian Injury Claim? Call Us Today.

We’ll provide an objective knowledge-driven, experience-based professional assessment of the viability of your pedestrian injury claim at no cost to you.


Did you know that parties other than the driver of the vehicle that hit 

you may also be liable for your injuries and owe you compensation?


For example, the local municipality in which the accident occurred may also be at-fault, so you may have a claim against it.  We know how to identify all the potential at-fault parties in your case against whom you may have a claim.


You and your loved ones have absolutely nothing to lose and potentially an awful lot to gain by calling us today.


Importance Of Knowing Settlement Values Before Accepting A Settlement Offer


After you’ve been injured in a pedestrian-involved traffic accident, the insurance company of the at-fault party may contact you with a settlement offer.  However, that offer may be much less than you actually deserve and are entitled to.  But you have no way of knowing whether it’s a fair offer.


Why?  Because in order to make that determination, you need to know past settlement amounts and jury verdicts in cases involving victims of pedestrian-involved traffic accidents similar to yours.  Insurance companies use this information in their settlement negotiations.  As a result, without having this information yourself, you don’t know whether you’re receiving a fair offer.


Fortunately, you don’t have to blindly accept the insurance company’s settlement offer.


We monitor pedestrian-involved traffic accident settlements and jury verdicts, so we know approximately how much your claim is likely worth based on comparable cases and whether any settlement offers from the insurance company are fair and reasonable.


Call us today before you accept a settlement offer.  Once you’ve accepted, it’s too late because you can’t sue for a higher amount later even if you discover the settlement amount is much less than your claim is actually worth.

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

While each personal injury case is unique, most cases typically involve the following basic steps.

Step 1: Determine if there’s a viable claim—after accepting the case, the personal injury lawyer will perform an initial investigation into the plaintiff’s injury to determine whether the facts and circumstances genuinely support a claim for damages.

Step 2: Demand letter—once a good-faith basis for a personal injury claim has been established, plaintiff’s lawyer sends a demand letter notifying the defendant’s insurance company of the claim, including a demand for a specified dollar amount to resolve the matter.

Step 3: Response and negotiation—upon receiving the demand letter, the insurance company will respond in one of three ways: (1) agree with the demand letter and promptly settle, (2) make a counteroffer and negotiate for an amount less than specified in the demand letter, or (3) deny the claim outright and refuse to pay any amount. Negotiating a settlement is the most common response, and most cases are resolved this way.


Step 4: Filing a lawsuit—if the parties can’t reach a settlement, the plaintiff’s lawyer files a lawsuit. During the pre-trial phase, the parties obtain evidence from each other, witnesses, and third parties in a process called “discovery.” The pre-trial phase can take several months or even years.


Step 5: Mediation—nearly all personal injury cases in Florida will be ordered to mediation by the court. Mediation is the process in which a neutral mediator facilitates discussion between the parties in an effort to resolve the case before going to trial. The parties can settle the case at any time, even after a lawsuit has been filed.


Step 6: Trial—if the parties can’t reach a settlement during mediation, the case goes to trial where a jury will generally determine liability and damage awards, if any.

Step 7: Appeal—a party who is unhappy with the final verdict can appeal, but there must be a legal basis for doing so, i.e., some material error that prevented a fair trial. Simply being unhappy with the outcome isn’t sufficient for an appeal.

The laws governing personal injury cases in Florida are extremely complex and highly specialized.  To ensure that your legal rights to full and fair compensation are adequately protected, you must have the assistance of an experienced local personal injury lawyer, especially for cases involving particularly complex legal issues such as wrongful death, medical malpractice, and catastrophic injuries. 


There are very strict and complicated filing deadlines that must be followed, or your case will not even be allowed to proceed, regardless of the actual merits of your case.  Similarly, for many types of personal injury claims, there are numerous legal technicalities and complexities in place that make successfully prosecuting a personal injury claim virtually impossible for anyone other than a highly experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. 


Various business and insurance interests have lobbied lawmakers aggressively over the years to get legislation enacted that often makes it difficult to hold the responsible parties and their insurance companies accountable for victims’ injuries and property damage they cause.  This is especially true when victims attempt to take on the at-fault parties and their insurance companies by themselves. 


Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers have the experience, knowledge, and resources to successfully navigate the complexities of Florida’s personal injury laws as well as the insurance claims process in order to obtain full and fair compensation for our clients.

We’ll provide an objective knowledge-driven, experience-based professional assessment of the viability of your personal injury claim at no cost to you.  You have absolutely nothing to lose and potentially an awful lot to gain by calling us today.


We’ll give you straight, simple answers to all your questions, including medical payment coverage, personal injuries, property damage, and lost income, as well as assist you with completing necessary paperwork and guide you every step of the way through the legal and insurance claims processes. 


And we do so with integrity, compassion, and understanding.

Florida Personal Injury Law Is Complex

The laws governing personal injury cases in Florida are extremely complex and highly specialized.  To ensure that your legal rights to full and fair compensation are adequately protected, you must have the assistance of an experienced local personal injury lawyer, especially for cases involving particularly complex legal issues such as wrongful death, medical malpractice, and catastrophic injuries. 


There are very strict and complicated filing deadlines that must be followed, or your case will not even be allowed to proceed, regardless of the actual merits of your case.  Similarly, for many types of personal injury claims, there are numerous legal technicalities and complexities in place that make successfully prosecuting a personal injury claim virtually impossible for anyone other than a highly experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyer. 


Various business and insurance interests have lobbied lawmakers aggressively over the years to get legislation enacted that often makes it difficult to hold the responsible parties and their insurance companies accountable for victims’ injuries and property damage they cause.  This is especially true when victims attempt to take on the at-fault parties and their insurance companies by themselves. 


Fortunately, our personal injury lawyers have the experience, knowledge, and resources to successfully navigate the complexities of Florida’s personal injury laws as well as the insurance claims process in order to obtain full and fair compensation for our clients.


Contact us today for a no-cost initial consultation and preliminary case review.  Remember, time is not on your side.  Each day you delay in seeking legal help is one day closer to you being time barred from ever bringing a case for your injuries.

Chris Larmoyeux and Bill Bone have devoted their over 70 years of combined legal experience to helping personal injury accident victims like you.

They are among the 1% of all lawyers who are Board Certified in Civil Trial Law by The Florida Bar, have been awarded the highest possible rating for Legal Ability and General Ethical Standards by Martindale-Hubbell—the preeminent independent lawyer rating service, and consistently earn annual inclusion in the entirely peer-review lawyer rating service Best Lawyers.  And, yes, they’ve won numerous $1 million+ recoveries for victims and their families. 

Chris Larmoyeux and Bill Bone are trial lawyers.


Not all personal injury lawyers are trial lawyers. Many personal injury lawyers have never taken a case to trial. There’s an extremely important distinction between lawyers who are ready, willing, and able to go to trial and those who won’t and settle 100% of their cases.

The ability and willingness to take on insurance companies at trial is a critical consideration when choosing a top personal injury lawyer, especially when very serious or catastrophic injuries are involved. When facing a lawyer who will actually litigate the case in court if necessary, insurance companies know that if their pretrial settlement offer is unreasonably low they risk having a jury award a much higher amount at trial. This helps keep settlement offers, for the most part, fair and reasonable.


In contrast, insurance companies are more willing to extend lowball settlement offers to those lawyers who will never go to trial (and there are many of them), and insurance companies know exactly who they are. Trials are expensive, time-consuming, and require high-caliber litigation skills for victory. Many lawyers lack the financial resources, patience, and/or legal ability to take insurance companies to court and win, so they make a career out of settling every single one of their cases.


But is this the type of personal injury lawyer you want and need representing you? Think about it—even if the final settlement offer is objectively and insultingly low, what’s the lawyer going to do? He or she may negotiate a slight increase but still way below full and fair value. Without the legitimate threat of going to trial, the insurance company knows that eventually the offer will be accepted.


This makes the insurance company happy because it saves money, and it makes the lawyer happy because he or she gets a portion of the settlement. It’ll likely even make the injured client happy because a settlement amount is received, but unbeknownst to the client, it’s likely a lot less than if he or she had a personal injury lawyer ready, willing, and able to go to trial.


Chris Larmoyeux and Bill Bone are trial lawyers. They are both experienced litigators who are ready, willing, and able to go to trial to fight for full and fair compensation for their clients.

Don’t Take On Insurance Companies By Yourself

To receive full and fair compensation for your injuries and property damage, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side.


The truth is the likelihood of you receiving full and fair compensation is relatively low if you decide to take on the insurance companies by yourself.  There is a maze of incredibly complex legal rules and insurance claims procedures in place that make it very difficult for you to obtain everything to which you are entitled under the law on your own. 


Insurance companies are in the business of making as much profit as they can.  There’s nothing wrong with that per se, but they do this by paying out as little as possible to accident victims and their families.  That’s why they sometimes aggressively fight even obviously legitimate and deserving claims.    This is true for both victims’ own insurance company as well as those of the at-fault party or parties involved in the accident. 


Victims who don’t have an experienced personal injury lawyer representing them are at a tremendous disadvantage.  They generally don’t know how to realistically value their claim, how to maximize the amount of any settlement offer, and how best to prove their case.  Insurance companies and their lawyers take advantage of this inexperience and lack of knowledge to deny victims’ claim outright or pay a mere fraction of what they would have paid if an experienced personal injury lawyer were representing the victims.   


Unfortunately, some insurance companies are notorious for establishing claims procedures and institutional mechanisms that make it as difficult as possible for victims to obtain fair compensation.  They have been known to deliberately make the claims process as complex and frustrating as they can in the hopes that victims will feel overwhelmed, give up, and accept lowball settlement offers.  This strategy is highly effective with respect to victims who don’t have an experienced personal injury lawyer on their side.


To make the situation even worse, victims are faced with this seemingly impossible task at a time when they are likely at their most vulnerable and desperate point in their life.  Even under the best of circumstances, it is virtually impossible for the average person alone to successfully battle insurance companies and their army of lawyers and paid expert witnesses.  No matter how obviously deserving of compensation a victim may be, no insurance company is going to simply provide a fair and reasonable settlement offer to the victim merely because he or she deserves it. 


Don’t let the insurance companies decide what your claim is worth.  And don’t let them bully you into giving up valuable rights or accepting less than what you are entitled to under the law. 


Contact us today for a free initial consultation and case evaluation.  We have the experience, knowledge, and resources to successfully take on the insurance companies for you. 

Yes! We’re here for you 24/7.

Our lawyers personally handle every case they agree to take and treat every client with compassion and understanding.  We don’t hand victims off to junior associates or recent law school grads once victims have entrusted their claim and hopes for the future to them. 

We understand the enormous trust clients place in them and would never do anything to violate the sanctity of that trust. 

We know that the aftermath of a personal injury accident is an incredibly traumatic and stressful time for you.  You may be suffering from agonizing, potentially life-threatening and life-altering physical, mental, and emotional injuries; facing the prospect of financial ruin; and experiencing a catastrophic disruption to your way of life. 


Your focus should be on your physical, mental, and emotional recovery, not dealing with medical bills and trying to navigate the complex maze of the insurance claims process and fighting for compensation from the at-fault party.


Thankfully, you don’t have to.  You focus on healing.  We’ll do all the work.  We handle the coordination of your medical bills, navigate the insurance claims process, and fight for the compensation you deserve.  We keep you updated and informed through the entire process, ensure you have all the information you need to make the necessary decisions, and advise you of any changes or new developments in your case. 


We firmly believe that consistent and timely communication with you is an essential part of our representation and critical for your peace of mind.     

Integrity, Compassion, & Understanding

If You Don’t Need a Lawyer, We’ll Tell You.  if We Can Help, We’ll Get Started on Your Claim Immediately.

"Board certified lawyers are Evaluated for Professionalism, Tested for Expertise.”

Pedestrian Injury Accidents

Obtaining Compensation

Personal Injury Lawyer

Burden of Proof & Legal Liability

Most pedestrian-involved traffic accidents occur because the driver and/or pedestrian involved was negligent.  Florida law imposes a duty of care on all motorists, which requires them to exercise due caution and ordinary and reasonable care to ensure the safety of others sharing the roads, including pedestrians. 


However, pedestrians must also exercise reasonable care for their own safety and welfare.  This includes obeying applicable traffic laws.  A motorist or pedestrian is negligent when he or she fails to act with reasonable care thereby breaching the duty of care and causing injury to others.   


In order for an accident victim to recover compensation, he or she must establish that the other party involved is legally liable for his or her injuries.  Establishing legal liability is often complex.  In general, a victim must show:


  1. the other party involved had a duty to the victim to exercise caution;
  2. the duty was breached; and
  3. As a result of that breach, the victim was injured.  


Insurance companies work hard to deny liability outright, shift as much blame to the victim as possible (see Comparative Negligence discussion), or minimize the severity of injuries.  They employ a team of adjusters, lawyers, doctors, and technical experts to help them pay out as little as possible.  It’s extremely difficult for an accident victim alone to obtain full compensation from insurance companies when up against those odds.  But having a board certified trial lawyer who handles pedestrian accident cases on your side helps level the legal playing field and can dramatically improve your likelihood of receiving full and fair compensation. 

1. Duty

The other party owed the victim a legal duty of care;

2. Breach

The legal duty of care was breached by the other party’s actions;

3. Causation

The breach of the legal duty of care caused injury to the victim; and


As a result of the breach, the victim suffered damages due to the injury.

Therefore, if you’ve been seriously injured in an accident due to someone else’s reckless actions, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side to get the compensation you deserve. 

Who Pays Your Medical Bills In A Pedestrian-Involved Traffic Accident?

If you’re a Florida resident and own an insured motor vehicle, you’re covered by Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”).  In most situations, you’re covered by PIP while outside of your motor vehicle and are injured by a motor vehicle.


If you don’t own a motor vehicle, the PIP of the motor vehicle that caused your injuries will typically cover you.  However, if you’re not a resident of Florida, then you aren’t eligible for PIP benefits.  If you don’t own a motor vehicle or aren’t a Florida resident, you may still be entitled to have your medical bills paid by PIP or means other than PIP, but it gets more complicated.


Call us to discuss your options today before it’s too late.


For purposes of PIP coverage, you are considered a pedestrian if you are:




-sitting down

-riding a bicycle

-riding a skateboard or rollerblades

-riding a scooter or moped


Florida Is A “No-Fault” State


Call your insurance company after any pedestrian-involved traffic accident, regardless of who’s at-fault.  Florida is a so-called “no-fault” state.  This means that after a crash you’ll have to file a claim against your own insurance company, regardless of which party or parties are at-fault. 


You should also contact a board certified trial lawyer who handles pedestrian accident cases immediately to help guide you through the no-fault claims process.  It’s an extremely complex system consisting of a maze of highly technical rules, deadlines, and procedures that’s difficult for victims to successfully navigate on their own.  An experienced lawyer will eliminate the stress and take the guesswork out of dealing with the insurance company and ensure you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.


In a no-fault state like Florida, victims of pedestrian-involved traffic accidents turn to their own insurance company first to pay for their medical bills, lost earnings, and the costs incurred for replacement services, i.e., any service needed due to the loss of ability caused by the accident such as housekeeping.  This is true no matter which party or parties caused the accident.   


Personal Injury Protection


Florida’s no-fault insurance law requires all motorists to carry a minimum of $10,000 in Personal Injury Protection (“PIP”) insurance.  Your PIP insurance coverage also protects you when you’re a passenger in someone else’s motor vehicle, a pedestrian, or a bicyclist in the event you sustain injuries in a crash involving a motor vehicle.


It’s extremely important to act promptly after your accident.  In order to make a successful PIP claim, you must receive initial medical treatment by an authorized healthcare provider within 14 days after the accident.  Failure to comply with this deadline along with the many other technical rules governing the PIP insurance claims process may result in a substantial reduction or even complete denial of benefits.


For purposes of PIP insurance claims, the following types of healthcare providers are authorized to furnish initial medical care and services:  medical doctors, doctors of osteopathic medicine, chiropractors, hospitals, and emergency medical personnel.


The total cost of medical expenses and lost income can quickly exceed the legally required minimum PIP coverage limit even in cases involving relatively minor accidents.  When PIP benefits are exhausted, you must then look towards other forms of insurance coverage, such as Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorists, etc., and possibly the at-fault party involved in the accident. 


This interaction of the PIP claims process, other forms of insurance coverage, and the at-fault party and his or her insurance company results in a tremendous degree of complexity that easily overwhelms accident victims.


That is why it’s vital to have a board certified trial lawyer who handles pedestrian accident cases working for you to guide you through the PIP insurance claims process and help ensure that you receive all the compensation to which you are entitled under the law.

Basics Of Florida Pedestrian Law

Under Florida law, pedestrians are required to obey official traffic control devices (traffic signs, signals, and pavement striping) specifically applicable to the pedestrian “unless otherwise directed by a police officer.”


When crossing the road, motorists are required to wait for pedestrians to cross before proceeding where a crosswalk is present.  If there is no marked crosswalk, pedestrians are required to wait until traffic is clear before proceeding across the road.


Pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the road between adjacent intersections containing traffic signals, unless there is a marked crosswalk.  Pedestrians are permitted to cross the road between adjacent intersections where one contains a traffic signal and the other contains a stop sign.


Pedestrians are prohibited from crossing an intersection diagonally, unless authorized by official traffic control devices.

Pedestrians are required to use the paved sidewalk if present and are prohibited from walking on the road, unless required by other circumstances.  If there’s no paved sidewalk, pedestrians are required to walk on the shoulder of the road facing oncoming traffic (left side of the road).


The concept of jaywalking (commonly referring to crossing the road mid-block) is not contained in Florida law and lacks any legal meaning.  In fact, crossing mid-block is legal in most locations.


Pedestrians don’t always have the right-of-way.  They must yield at crosswalks and signalized intersections when facing a red traffic signal or steady “Don’t Walk” signal.  Additionally, pedestrians may not enter a crosswalk any time they want; they are required to allow motorists adequate time and distance to react and stop.

Pedestrian Injury

Additional Information

Comparative Negligence: Can You Still Be Entitled To A Recovery Even If You Were Partially At Fault?

Yes!  Florida is a pure comparative negligence state.  This means that even if the pedestrian is partially at-fault, he or she may still be entitled to compensation.  In fact, under pure comparative negligence, the pedestrian may still be eligible for compensation even if he or she is deemed to have been at greater fault for the accident than the motorist.

After a pedestrian-involved traffic accident, fault is determined and apportioned among the parties involved, and how much compensation injured parties can recover is limited by each party’s relative share of fault for causing the accident.  As a result, an injured party’s recovery is limited by his or her assigned percentage of fault for causing the accident.


For example, in a pedestrian-involved traffic accident where the injured pedestrian is deemed to have been 30% negligent in contributing to the crash, his or her total damage award will be decreased by 30%.  So the maximum amount the pedestrian can receive is 70% of the total monetary recovery.  Thus, if the total monetary recovery is $100,000, the pedestrian is entitled to only 70% of that amount or $70,000.


Comparative negligence helps explain why insurance companies work so hard to shift as much blame for an accident as possible to victims.  That’s also why pedestrian-involved traffic accident victims must be extremely careful if they decide to talk with the motorist’s insurance company.  Statements made to it can be used to help establish the pedestrian’s share of fault for the accident.  No matter how friendly and sympathetic its representatives may seem, they are not looking out for the pedestrian’s best interests.


It’s important for pedestrian-involved traffic accident victims to consult with a board certified trial lawyer who handles pedestrian accident cases before talking with anyone from an insurance company.  An experienced lawyer has the knowledge and experience to protect victims’ rights when dealing with the insurance companies.  In addition, an experienced lawyer knows how best to use the available evidence and which experts are needed, if any, to accurately establish the parties’ relative fault for an accident.    


Pedestrian-Involved Traffic Accidents


Florida consistently ranks as the most dangerous state in America for pedestrians.  Many of the roadways in the state were designed at a time when there wasn’t really any expectation of pedestrian use in the future.  And newer roads have been designed with the primary objective of allowing motor vehicles to travel at higher speeds and minimize delays at controlled intersections. 


These infrastructure design elements have helped create an environment where pedestrians are relatively uncommon outside of downtown business districts.  As a result, many motorists as well as pedestrians themselves lack experience with vehicle-pedestrian encounters and knowledge of their respective rights and responsibilities.


Statistics show that most pedestrian-involved traffic accidents are the result of motorists’ inattention, i.e., distracted driving, which is defined by the U.S. Government as “any activity that could divert a person’s attention away from the primary task of driving.  All distractions endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety.”  Distractions while driving take a motorist’s attention from the primary task of driving, which can result in the motorist missing critical events, objects, and cues or abandoning control of the vehicle, all potentially leading to a crash.

Potential Damages Awarded In Pedestrian Injury Cases

High Damage Awards and Settlement Amounts for Pedestrian Injury Cases


Below is a list of the most common types of compensatory damages awarded in pedestrian injury cases.  As the name implies, compensatory damages are intended to compensate the injured party and help him or her return to the physical, emotional, and financial state he or she was in prior to the injury.  They are generally classified as either Noneconomic Damages or Economic Damages.

Noneconomic Damages


  • Bodily injury and associated pain and suffering
  • Disability and physical impairment
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life
  • Mental anguish (if associated with a physical injury)


Economic Damages


  • Past lost income
  • Future lost income
  • Past medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • Replacement value of damaged or lost personal property
  • Mileage (travel to medical appointments and pharmacy)


Damage Awards And Settlement Amounts Depend On Facts Of The Case


Naturally, the specific types of damages and amounts that may be awarded depend upon the facts and circumstances of each individual case.  There are literally dozens of factors that contribute to the settlement value or jury award amount of a pedestrian injury claim.  That’s the reason what someone you know received or the amount an injured victim claims to have obtained in a law firm’s advertisement will have virtually no bearing on the actual value of your claim.  That’s why it’s so important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer in order to protect your rights and provide a fact-based, experience-driven assessment of the potential value of your injury or damage claim.


Otherwise, without an objective and reasonable valuation of your case based on an experienced lawyer’s expert opinion, you could unwittingly accept a settlement offer that is dramatically lower or holdout in vain for an offer that is unrealistically higher than the generally accepted valuation range of your case based on all the facts and circumstances involved.  In either scenario, the very real possibility exists that you will not be fairly and fully compensated, if at all, for your injuries, personal property, out-of-pocket expenses, and lost income.

Contact Us Today For Your Free Case Evaluation

Don’t try to take on the insurance companies by yourself, get one of our board certified trial lawyers who handles pedestrian accident cases on your side and work hard for you.  Don’t let the insurance companies decide what your claim is worth.  And don’t let them bully you into giving up valuable rights or accepting less than what you are entitled to under the law.


Our lawyers have over 60 years of combined experience helping pedestrian injury victims like you in West Palm Beach and surrounding communities along the Treasure Coast and throughout South Florida, so you can trust our experience, compassion, and results.


We help the injured with no upfront costs and no charge for our lawyers’ services unless we win your case or recover a settlement.


If you don’t need a lawyer, we’ll tell you.  If we can help, we’ll get started on your claim immediately with no upfront costs and no lawyer fees unless we recover compensation for you.


Contact us today and get the compassionate and experienced legal help you need and deserve.

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